Stook 10 Mile, 10k & 5k
Sunday, 17 November 2019
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Date & Time
Sunday, 17 November 2019 12:00
Race Venue/Location
Dungarvan Village, Gowran, Kilkenny
Road Race
10 km, 10 Mile, 5 Km
Timed By
MyRunResults Ltd

Our 10 Mile race is set over a challenging but enjoyable scenic route which winds across gentle valleys and up country roads before emerging at the crest of Stook Hill. 
From here you will have stunning views down to the finish, but first you’ll get to experience the Stook Flying Mile... Ireland’s fastest timed downhill mile. With timing mats at either end everyone receives a personal split for that single mile.
After the Stook flying mile there is more downhill, followed by about 200m of a pull and then a quick downhill finish.

Our NEW 10Km race starts along the 10 mile route allowing you to take on Stook Hill and experience the fun of the famous Flying Mile but on a shorter course.

Our 5K Dash, set over rolling and scenic landscape, is designed to be buggy and walker friendly yet offer an honest challenge to joggers and runners of all ages and abilities.

Event information click here

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